Monday, February 4, 2008

Did you know fingerprints are only good for 15 months?

Today we went to Louisville to have our fingerprints redone. We also had to renew some immigration forms for Amelia. We did this over a year ago but apparently all this has an expiration date. I was shocked to find out that fingerprints expire in 15 months. After all these years I thought each person had fingerprints exclusive to them. I am sure that this is NOT just crazy government red tape. I would like to know how they convict criminals based on old fingerprints? In 15 months our fingerprints will evidently change again. At this time we will have to do this again. I wonder how much it costs the government to staff the facility to do fingerprints that don't change every 15 months?

On a positive note, it was a step towards getting our daughter.

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